Bölüm Web Sayfası : rekreasyon.eskisehir.edu.tr
Öğretim Elemanları
Bölüm Bşk. ve AKTS Koord.
Bölüm Başkanı |
Bölüm Başkan Yardımcıları |
ECTS Bölüm Koordinatörü |
Program Introduction
Recreation is an interdisciplinary field that includes recreational sports branches, sports physiology, sports management, communication, motor learning, motor skills, tourism, kinesiology, sports for health, sports psychology and program development. The Department of Recreation started teaching in the 2001-2002 academic year. The department aims at training students who can speak more than one foreign language, and who can plan creative, quality and qualified leisure time activities. The students of the department are educated with proficiency in business, economy, communication and tourism. The recreation department offers courses that develop students' theoretical and practical knowledge.
Qualification Requirements and Rules
The student must have passed all the courses in the program and must not have an FF, DZ or YZ grade. In this program, the student must provide a minimum of 240 ECTS credits and a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Transition to Senior Programs
Students can apply to master's, doctoral programs or proficiency in arts programs in any field.
Graduation Requirements
The student must have passed all the courses in the program and must not have an FF, DZ or YZ grade. In this program, the student must provide a minimum of 240 ECTS credits and a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Assessment and Evaluation
In this program different evaluation methods such as midterm, homework, practice, project, practice and final exam are applied. Assessment methods may include the classic exam, multiple choice exam, homework, performance evaluation, and product evaluation. To graduate from the program, a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 is required. The grade of a course is determined as a result of the evaluation of the above elements and is given in letters. The letter grades and the coefficient of each grade are given below.
Başarı Notu |
Katsayı |
AA |
4,0 |
AB |
3,7 |
BA |
3,3 |
BB |
3,0 |
BC |
2,7 |
CB |
2,3 |
CC |
2,0 |
CD |
1,7 |
DC |
1,3 |
DD |
1,0 |
FF |
0,0 |
Employment Opportunities
General Directorate of Youth and Sports, Municipalities, Fitness and Sports Centers, Tourism Sector, Public Education Centers, Universities, Factories, Hospitals
Registration and Admission Requirements
General admission requirements for Turkish and foreign students are valid to start the program.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If students, who are registered to another Higher Education University in Turkey or abroad, apply within the first week, credit and grade transfer requests are evaluated by the relevant education unit's administrative board, and a decision is made for once, covering the entire education.
Program Yeterlilikleri (Çıktıları)